Hello. :) So, here I am back with another small piece of writing. Well, I'm quite surprised with myself trying hands at writing poetry. I mean, I never have been too fond of poetry. I know not how and when and where this li'l bug of poetry bit me! Curious to know the secret of my inspiration? Umm... I suppose secrets are never ought to be revealed, that's why they are called 'secrets', right?
Ah well, since the number of views and response to What Remains..., my very first attempt at poetry writing had been quite positive, so thought of sharing another one.
OK, so here it goes:
Drowning, deep into your eyes,
I find the Nectar of Life
Grasping my senses, ennumbing my mind,
I forget What I was, Who I am, Where I belong to...
A warmth flushes my cheeks like cherry blossoms,
A shiver runs down my spine like icicles in May,
I find you diffusing like camphor on an August morn
How I wish to hold on to you,
Like firefly in a moonless night,
Like dewdrops on blades of grass...
Like February holds on to March.
So, this is it. Please don't forget to like, share and comment. And ya, any kind of suggestion is always welcome.